Designing Futures
The Eye of the Cloud
Revolutionary design work relies on designer’s ability to invent – to conceive and create something that doesn’t exist today. The more skilled creatives are at forming possible futures, the better we will be at inventing the products and services of tomorrow.
This project focused on developing my invention muscle. I was tasked with designing a future world by researching a technology of today and transforming it into a dystopian future. I chose to focus on the cloud – specifically Apple’s iCloud – and how we use it to store and access our personal information. In this project, I brought to life the power big tech companies have over our population at present. This is one man’s journey of recognizing that power and taking action to reverse it before it’s too late.
Time 4 weeks
Team individual project
Tools Procreate, Illustrator, InDesign
Role storyteller, illustrator, designer, research
How might we design a future, dystopian point of view about a technology that exists today?
Design the future
Behaviors acceptance, fear, loyalty, curiosity, adventure
Social norms individuals and families are responsible for feeding personal data to the cloud
Community structure 10 cloud communities make up the cloud civilization
Transportation driverless hovercrafts and hoverboards